Contact Lens

Do you wear glasses? If so, you may not realize what contact lenses can offer you. Eyeglasses offer poor peripheral (side) vision and contact lenses can bring your entire vision field into focus. Contacts are great for sports since they don’t fog up and they limit reflections. While there are many differences between glasses and contact lenses, there are also similarities:
- Both can correct Astigmatism Astigmatism is an irregular cornea shape that distorts vision. Many people think only glasses can correct astigmatism, but contact lenses do as well. Contacts are often preferred for correcting astigmatism because they hold their shape, thereby retaining the proper visual correction, better than soft lenses.
- Both are affordable When you consider that you wear glasses or contact lenses every single day of your life, the amount you spend on them is far less than for any other item in your wardrobe. Considering how important they are to the quality of your life, they’re invaluable.
Since glasses have few advantages over contact lenses for most patients, some patients decide to throw them away! Keep them for back-up. But if you’re still undecided about which vision option is best for you, make an appointment today with one of our Doctors to discuss what’s best for you